Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Italy



What is Assisted Reproduction?

How many times have you heard stories, even among a group of friends, of those who, to fulfill their dream of becoming parents, have to resort to assisted reproduction?

The term “assisted reproduction or MAR” (Medically Assisted Reproduction) refers to the set of medical procedures that allow those who cannot conceive naturally due to infertility or sterility problems to achieve a pregnancy.

Traditional IVF and Egg Donation and Sperm Donation in Italy

There are two types of medically assisted reproduction: traditional IVF (with the couple’s gametes) and egg and sperm donation.

Traditional IVF occurs when the gametes (eggs and sperm) used to create the embryo belong to the couple undergoing the procedure. Therefore, there will be a genetic link between the couple and the child born.

Egg and sperm donation is used by those who cannot use their own gametes. The embryo will be created using eggs and sperm from donors outside the couple.

Both kind of IVF are permitted Italy.

Who Can Access Assisted Reproduction in Italy?

In different countries around the world, MAR is regulated differently, and thus, the guidelines on who can undertake this path also vary.

In Italy, Law 40/2004 governs the issue of Medically Assisted Reproduction.

Couples who can access assisted reproduction must be:

• Adults

• Of different sexes

• Married or cohabiting

• Of potentially fertile age

• Both living

Medically Assisted Reproduction: What Are the Access Requirements?

Access to ART is permitted:

•When it has been established that it is impossible to remove – by other means – the causes that prevent procreation

•In cases of unexplained sterility or infertility documented by a medical certificate

•In cases of infertility or sterility resulting from a certified medical cause

So, can fertile couples not access MAR in Italy under any circumstances?

Fertile couples can access assisted reproduction in Italy only if they are carriers of transmissible genetic diseases and meet certain legal requirements.

What about single individuals and same-sex couples?

As of today, access to MAR in Italy is not permitted for singles and same-sex couples.

Assisted Reproduction: Where to Go?

MAR interventions must be carried out in public or private facilities authorized by the Regions and listed in a specific national register established at the National Institute of Health (National MAR Register).

On the National Institute of Health’s website, there is a list of MAR centers authorized to apply assisted reproduction techniques.


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