Pregnancy and Birth

Your pregnancy is magic. Do not let the worries and fears of being unable to manage the situation ruin this incredible moment of your life.

When a child is born, you have not only to take care of him and deal with the new routine, but you also have to take care of the paperwork and the management of the first documents after his birth.

I will support you step by step in managing the bureaucratic formalities to be carried out before and after your child’s birth to allow you to live this moment in the best way possible.

Knowing your rights as a parent at birth: the legal advice of Attorney Ida Parisi

If you are having a baby, some bureaucratic legal issues are essential to know to exercise your rights as a parent. I can provide you legal advice about the following aspects:

- Making a birth plans for parents and birth teams

- Choosing your baby's name and adding the mother's last name

- Cord blood freezing and stem cells preservation

- Registering your baby's birth and birth certificate's drafting

- Recognizing your child before birth

- Applying for maternity leave and other parental leaves

- Breast milk donation

- Applying for baby's identity card and Social Security Number (SSN)

- Applying for baby's passport and other documents for traveling

- Applying for childbirth allowance

Do you want to get legal advice about the first legal steps to take when your baby is born?

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